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Shadowscapes Tarot


She surveys the lands that lie before her. This is her domain. It is filled with her subjects, and she has ruled over all that the eye can see from this high vantage point, as have her ancestors before her. For a moment, her sight hazes, and she sees a vision of what she might accomplish in the years to come, having been granted this power. At last, this is the chance to bring her dreams to fruition and to build the reality that she long has envisioned for these lands. She knows she must grasp the reins of power tightly. She must be bold and certain and unwavering in the path that she etches for her people, for there are those who would be swift to pounce and take her place should weakness be detected.

Her companion, the lion, knows his place as king of the beasts. He embodies courage and authority. From the pinnacle, he boldly stares down any who dare to challenge the two of them. He lifts his mighty head, shakes back the fiery crackling mane, and his roar rings out across the valley as if to mark the farthest edges of their dominion with the reach of his voice.

The Two of Wands is the emblem of personal power and influence, authority and courage. Now is the time to be bold and inventive, and not to shy away from doing what is necessary. But also beware of letting the intoxication of power cloud the mind and judgment.